The Bank offers its Clients the service of issuing documentary products and guarantees on favorable terms.
A guarantee is a security instrument by which the Bank-guarantor undertakes the obligation to make payments up to the guaranteed amount at the request of the beneficiary of the guarantee, in the event of non-payment or non-performance of contractual obligations by the principal under the guarantee.
Bank issues the following RSD guarantees:
In accordance with the applicable legal regulations, the Bank issues foreign currency payment and performance guarantees.
A letter of intent is an instrument by which the Bank declares that it shall approve one of its products (guarantee, loan, etc.) to the Client and assume a certain future risk in Client's operations (binding letters of intent), or that it shall consider the possibility of assuming a future risk in doing business with the Client (non-binding letters of intent).
For more information, please e-mail us at
Letter of credit represents an irrevocable obligation that the Bank shall make the payment to the letter of credit user (seller - exporter) if the presented documents are in accordance with the letter of credit terms.
The letter of credit is opened under the following conditions:
In its loro letters of credit operations, the Bank advises these letters of credit based on instructions received from the issuing, i.e. foreign bank.
The Bank also provides documentary collection services in accordance with the Uniform Rules for Documentary Collection, Publication MTK 522 (URC 522).
In accordance with the regulations on foreign exchange operations, the Bank may also perform the following foreign exchange operations:
For more information, please call 011/ 3024-439, 011/ 3024-108.